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Abstract submission

Take an active part in the scientific program and submit your results from science and practice on the following topics!

The Program Committee and the Local Organising Committee of the 9th FESN Scientific Meeting and of the 40th Annual Meeting of the German Neuropsychological Society (GNP) welcome the submission of abstracts for original contributions to the field. Authors may submit abstracts relevant to the Conference Scientific Topics for an individual Oral contribution, a Poster contribution, or a Symposium. 

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts for individual Oral and Poster presentations and Symposia can be submitted by members of the national societies and by non-members not later than 17 March 2025 by filling in the online submission form. 

  • Each author can submit a maximum of 3 abstracts (as corresponding author) and present a maximum of 2 abstracts, if the author is participating in more abstracts, they must be submitted and presented by other registered co-authors. 
  • All abstracts must be submitted and presented exclusively in English. Authors and speakers are encouraged to perform a careful check on the English language. 
  • Authors are exclusively responsible for the submission of their work according to the abstract submission guidelines and for submitting their abstract in due time according to the abstract submission deadline. Abstracts that do not comply with the guidelines or are submitted after the deadline will be automatically disqualified. 
  • All submitted abstracts are subjected to an extensive peer review process. Authors do not have the possibility to revise abstracts at this stage. After the evaluation, corresponding authors will receive feedback. The Program Committee reserves the right to change the requested presentation type from Oral to Poster or from Poster to Oral. 

Instructions for the writing of the Abstracts

  • The abstract must have a maximum length of 3000 characters. 
  • Statements such as “results will be discussed”, “data will be presented" will not be accepted. 
  • Tables and illustrations may not be inserted. 
  • The title, the names of the authors, their affiliations, and the references should be inserted into the appropriate fields and not be repeated within the text of the abstract. 
  • Authors may include a maximum of 2 affiliations. 
  • Authors may insert a maximum of 3 references using the Vancouver reference style. 
  • The abstract should be structured into the following sections: 
  1. Aims 
  2. Method 
  3. Results 
  4. Discussion 
  5. Conclusions

The posters will be presented on site in paper form (DIN A0, portrait format). 


Accepted abstracts will be presented as Oral or Poster presentations or Symposia and will be published in the Abstract Book by the Journal of Neuropsychology.