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Keynote speaker & Invited symposia

We are pleased to introduce our guests of invited symposia and look forward to the presentation of their work and, of course, the opportunity for a rich and valuable exchange. 

Portrait Clyde Francks

Clyde Francks 

Genetics of cognition
Portrait Angela Friederici

Angela Friederici 

Portrait Bruno Rossion

Bruno Rossion 

Face perception & Prosopagnosia
Portrait Anja Widdig

Anja Widdig 

Understanding primate social behaviour and cognition. Digging into the evolution of social cognition.

Multisensory aspect of body respresentation

Birkbeck University • UK

Elisa Raffaella Ferré | Matt Longo

Language and Aphasia

Max Plank Institute Leipzig • Germany

Gesa Hartwigsen

Social Cognition: Developmental aspects and clinical relevance for patients with acquired brain injury, neurological and psychiatric disorders

Ruhr-Universität Bochum • Germany 

Patrizia Thoma 

The Impact of Diversity on Neuropsychological Assessment (INS-Symposium)

Erasmus University Medical Center • Rotterdam • The Netherlands

Sanne Franzen and Colleagues of the European Consortium on Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology

The symposium will address different aspects of diversity and how they relate to cognitive functioning. The talks will feature novel ways of measuring quality of education and literacy, as well as studies on the impact of biculturalism/bilingualism and current/childhood psychosocial factors.