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Symposia submission

Take an active part in the scientific program and submit your results from science and practice on the following topics!

The Program Committee and the Local Organising Committee of the 9th FESN Scientific Meeting and of the 40th Annual Meeting of the German Neuropsychological Society (GNP) welcome the submission of abstracts for original contributions to the field. Authors may submit abstracts relevant to the Conference Scientific Topics for an individual Oral contribution, a Poster contribution, or a Symposium. 


The proposals for Symposia can be submitted by individual members. We encourage proposals on topics that capture the imagination and interest from a wide audience and that bring together experts from different countries. It is important to note that there is no funding available from the FESN for delegates invited to speak at a symposium. Financial support from the National Societies FESN Symposia is highly appreciated. Proposals should include: 

  • The title and abstract of the symposium 
  • The name of the organizer and the 4 speakers of the symposium (speakers must represent more than one country) 
  • The affiliations of the organizer and the speakers 
  • The 4 abstracts of the speakers composing the symposium 


Accepted abstracts will be presented as Oral or Poster presentations or Symposia and will be published in the Abstract Book by the Journal of Neuropsychology.